Thursday, November 29, 2012

Week 5 Assignment 1: Educational Technologies Blog

EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY BLOG                                                                                                
           Video games, simulations, and virtual environments are great tools to use to bring exciting and invigorating experiences into the classroom and work environment.  Students and/or employees experience heightened intellectual curiosity as they engage in play and continue to advance through the games’ levels of difficulty, as a single player or as a part of a team.  The players (students/employees) develop feelings of positive accomplishment and ability in what they are able to do on their own and/or working together as a team, the challenges they are able to solve, and the levels of advancement they are able to reach.  They are motivated and stimulated to move on, conquering each challenging level, to reach mastery.  It is at this level, the users becomes the producers, to use their creative skills to produce a challenging video game, simulation, or virtual environment of their own for other student/employees to play (Squire, 2011, p. 37).
           A simulation game to use to teach students/employees group collaboration skills is the Wii Family Feud 2012 game.  The simulation game is set up just like the TV version of family Feud.  Students/employees are divided into groups or family members that face-off against an opposing family.  The families use collaboration skills to outscore the opposing family.  The families must learn to rely on the skills of their family members, listen and support the ideas of others in their family, and make decisions as a group so they are able to win and advance through each challenging level of questions and opposing families.  To teach new employees teamwork skill, the trainer can use Wii Family Feud 2012.  The trainer would use the progressively difficult questions the game provides, to teach new employees how to collaborate as a group as required of them in their real-work situation.  The trainer can also develop their own progressively challenging questions and use the Wii Family Feud 2012 to teach employees the details of a new degree program and hoe to present it to incoming and/or existing students.  Wii Family Feud 2012 can be purchased from Nintendo for a low as $39.99 or downloaded and played for online for free from

           The next collaboration game is one presented by Kurt Squire, Crystal Chronicles, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King (2011, p. 38).  The cooperative video game or Wii game is one where teams work together as warriors to create tactical decisions and approaches to overcome the enemies of the King.  They must combine their strengths, skills, and magical powers to build the kingdom, defeat the powers and attacks of the evil forces, and protect the crystal and the King from defeat.  Each warrior has a special skill and ability given to them by the Crystal: strength, toughness, dexterity, agility, intellect, and/or willpower.  The trainer can use the video game or Wii game, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King in development training class on skills and behaviors.  The trainer would divide the employees into two groups.  One group represents the King’s warriors with the special skills and behavior abilities, as well as the special skills and abilities given them by the Crystal.  The other group represents the evil enemy with the poor/outdates skills and abilities and evil skills and abilities they use to overtake the King’s warriors.  Managers can use the video game or Wii game in team meetings to work on and strengthen problem solving skills and abilities. 
           In the learning environment, video games, simulations, and virtual environments are excellent tools to use to teach adult learners/employees problem solving strategies.  Students/employees learn and reinforce intellectual creativity, collaboration skills, cooperative communications, decision-making abilities, and the desire to continue to learn, grow, and challenge themselves.  They learn to coordinate together as a team to plan the next level of achievement, to celebrate their accomplishments, and move from users to creators of new and more challenging skills and problems to solve (Squire, 2011, p. 37).
Squire, K. (2011). Video games and learning: Teaching and participatory culture in the digital age. (pp. 37, 38). New York, NY: Teachers College Press












Thursday, November 22, 2012

Week 4 Assignment 1: Education Technologies Blog

EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES BLOG                                                                                 
           Mobile learning is learning that occurs when the learner uses some type of mobile technology device to access and learn information, subject material, explored data, and/or live events.  Mobile technology devices allow teachers to connect with other teachers and students.  They allow students to connect with other students and their teacher.  Mobile technology devices allow the user to make use of its connectivity, location awareness, content, and application at a time and place the user chooses (Learn2Go, 2012).
          One mobile technology device to use and integrate in education and the classroom or training room is the mobile phone and/or Smartphone, such as Windows Phone 8.  Mobile phones are small, handheld mobile technology devices that are making an impact in education now because of the numerous features it hosts and its connectivity to information, data, and people all over the world.  Mobile phones are mobile technology devices most people/students and educators already own, so their use in the classroom becomes an easy to accomplish (van’t Hooft, 2009).  In the area of employee training, trainers can download their course plan into their Windows Phone 8 or any other mobile phone to use it as a guide as they conduct class.  This eliminates the sometimes cumbersome job of disconnecting and reconnecting their larger laptop to take it with them to the training room.  Everything they need to guide them is now present in their phone, with easy access and visibility.  Trainers can also send program updates and training reminders to students/employees and managers using their Windows Phone 8 or mobile phone by using the email function or Twitter.  This feature in the phone allows the trainer the ability to keep all necessary personnel informed on important information about programs and on track with training.  The mobile phone and/or the Windows Phone 8 has the ability to enhance education in a countless number of ways
           Another mobile technology device that can be used in the field of education and/or employee training is the Microsoft Surface Windows RT Tablet PC or other PC Tablets.  The Tablet PC goes from touch screen to keyboard typing.  It allows users to create, collaborate, watch movies or recorded activities, search the internet, play music or recorded lectures and messages, live chat, create and send emails, download and/or upload to and from ones computer or laptop, and tote around anywhere, at anytime.  It is a wonderful mobile technology device for educators and students to use, regardless of the learning environment.  The multitouch tablet has the significant potential to influence the way educators teach and students’ learn both formally and outside the classroom (Low, 2012).  Students or employees are able to use their Tablet PC to record a training course group project and latter, present their recorded collaboration to the class and teacher for discussion and evaluation.  Using the Tablet PC to record any desired activities is easy and immediate and saves time and the use of extra video equipment in order to do so.  Students or employees can use their Tablet PC and download Online Training courses, complete the trainings, and send to the trainer once the courses are completed and the course tests have been taken.  The Tablet PC allows employees to take Online Training courses at work and/or at home, so their Training Portfolio stays up-to-date and is inclusive of all required training.  The multitouch tablet is becoming more and more popular in the field of education by educators and students alike, as their capabilities and features continue to grow and improve.
           Mobile technologies are making an exciting presence in the world of education.  As their abilities and features continue to improve and increase, so are their uses by educators and students.  Mobile technologies allow teaching and learning to go anywhere and take place at anytime.  
Learning2Go.  (n.d.).  Retrieved May 30, 2012, from

Low, L.  (n.d.).  Mobile learning: A reflective journal on learning all the time, everywhere.  Retrieved May 30, 2012, from

van’t Hooft, M.  (2009, February 20).  Mobile Learning 09 Conference, Day 2, Morning Panels [Blog post].  Retrieved from

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Week 3 Assignment1: Educational Technologies Blog

EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY BLOG                                                                                    

          Social networks are internet websites set up to allow people to connect and communicate with people and information within their own sphere and across the world.  Social networking is an excellent tool to use in the adult learning environment for it opens the opportunity for teachers/trainers to connect with other teachers/trainers to form their own educative social community.  It allows students/employees to connect and form educative social communities with other students/employees.  Social networks have the capability for educators to bring their network into the classroom and personalize them to the context of their own students and the curriculum and/or course under study (Richardson, 2010, p. 133).  Social network systems make it possible to collaborate, do good work with others, and learn a great deal in the process.
 is a social networking site, established in 2005, that allows users to create and customize their own social website and build their own social community that communicates through forums, chats, and activities streams (Richardson, 2010, p. 140).  Ning allows members to share photos, videos, and blogs.  Ning houses a built-in integration with Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube that makes it possible to increase and maximize membership reach.  Ning is a free social network system.  It can be upgraded at a cost to add special features and functions, such as live videos, Ustream TV, photo stickers, Aviary effects, and Constant Contact email marketing.  Trainers can use Ning to form social network communities with other trainers within their own community and across the world to collaborate, share, and build knowledge and skills on ideas and methods they use that are successful in employee training.  The trainers can share technologies they use and those that are new and emerging to incorporate in training to make it more interactive and engaging.  Enrollment Advisors and Academic Advisors can use Ning with their new and existing students  to form specialized social networks to discuss things they need to do, course updates, grades, class registrations, book ordering, and much more.  By staying in contact with their students through Ning, the advisors are able to aid in student success and continued enrollment for degree completion.

           The iPhone 5 is a social networking phone that allows users access to a multitude of functions, features, and options all in one phone.  A new feature the iPhone 5 has is FaceTime.  FaceTime on the iPhone 5 allows users to connect and communicate face-to-face to another iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Mac, Wi-Fi, or cellular connection.  Video calls can be made right from the start of the call or added during the call.  Calling groups can communicate via video on the FaceTime iPhone 5 from the beginning of the group call, as well as join while the video call is in process.  If members of your group miss the call altogether, you can record, save, and email the video to them as an email attach, all in one function.  They can then download and watch the video call at their own time.  This is a great social networking tool for trainers to use to train employees at different sites to create a live, interactive training class.  The trainer can send the training class video to employees that were not able to attend the class when it first aired.  This ability saves the organization travel expenses, time of the trainer and employees, and repetition for the trainer to train absent employees.  Cross-site meetings can be conducted face-to-face, so attendants can see the faces of those they are meeting with, to make the meeting more personable and inclusive for all involved, and provide immediacy in sharing ideas and answering questions.  This ability allows for enhanced collaboration trainers and/or advisors have with trainers and/or advisors from different site areas they are assigned to work with on a specific project.

Richardson, W. (2010).  Blogs, wikis, podcasts, and other powerful web tools for classrooms (3rd ed.).  (pp. 133, 140).  Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Week 2 Assignment 1: Educational Technologies Blog

EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES BLOG                                                                               

          Educational technologies are making a strong impact in the adult learning classroom, be it online or face-to-face.  Educators and students are using educational technologies to create active, engaging learning environments.  Educational technologies allow educators and students to build subject knowledge through their use, share understandings of the subject throughout the learning process, remain focused, and aid in continual learning and transfer of knowledge beyond the classroom.

          In researching educational technologies from this week’s resources, Walden Library, and my own internet search, I found two educational technologies that have the potential to make a great impact in adult learning and/or employee training.  The educational technologies have the ability to make students and the educator active participants in learning the course material, to collaborate on what they are learning as they are learning the material, and use what they have studied once the class is over. 

          The first technology is the Ustream TV.  Ustream TV allows educators and students create their own TV show of the class, as the class is in session (Richardson, (2010, pp. 125-129).  The show can be broadcast immediately after production is completed or stored and shown later at any time, from any electronic devise. The students and the educator actively participate in learning the course material; they interact with one another during the learning process, and allow them to build understanding and knowledge throughout the production.  Once the production is completed, the show can be “broadcast now” and used for a class discussion on the important points and understandings on what was studied.  The show can also be coded and saved, so students and the educator can watch and review it later.  Ustream TV makes a great collaboration tool for group projects.  The educator can share the Ustream TV show with other audiences by posting their “” web address so others can find and play the show on their electronic device (Richardson, 2010, p. 128).  Ustream TV is a free multimedia technology that is easy to download and use.

          The second multimedia technology I found that can be used to enhance and strengthen subject knowledge during the class and after is the Logipen.  Logipen is a technology digital device that captures handwritten notes and/or drawings as they are made, on any type of paper and writing device, wherever you are.  The notes can be downloaded to any operating system, whether Windows or Mac.  The notes can be stored in handwriting or converted to type text.  The notes can be stored, reviewed, and edited at any time.  The Logipen allows the students to remain focused during class as they take notes.  Students can review their notes after class for further learning and understanding.  The Logipen saves time, works instantly, easy to use and download, and is applicable to any operating system and/or device.
Richardson, W.  (2010). Blogs, wikis, podcasts, and other powerful web tools for the classrooms
            (3rd ed.).  (pp. 125-129).  Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.              

Friday, November 2, 2012

Emerging Educational Technologies

Gayle-Initial Post

Week 1Discussion 2:  Emerging Technologies

          The blog I will be using is from Blogger:



          I want to examine emerging technologies that can be used in employee training and development.  The technologies can be used for employee training outside of the classroom and during employee training in the classroom as an enhancement to building knowledge and skill development.  The technologies can also be used in collaborative learning.

          Three emerging technologies are being used in adult education are Tegrity® Educational System, Multimedia Technologies, and Virtual Organization model known as MOODLE (acronym for Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment).  Each technology can be used in or outside of the learning environment.  The educator can use them to develop and deliver learning programs for their students and/or trainees.  The educator can also use them to enhance learning as they teach within the classroom environment.  Students have the ability to access learning programs from the Web and/or Internet, as well as in distance learning classroom environments such as Blackboard™, and WebCT™.  Students and educators can engage in learning activities in the learning environment and outside in collaborative learning.

          As a Corporate Trainer and Developer, using emerging technologies make it possible to develop and deliver training programs that use up-to-date technologies, enhance learning for students, and provide more flexible teaching and learning opportunities.  The technologies easily connect to existing technology networks so educators can easily adopt them and students can easily access them.  The technologies can be used with many devices, such as video cameras, video recorders, microphones, mouse and keyboards, virtual reality equipment and more, that make it possible to create a more active, engaging learning environment for participants.


Ball, D. M., & Levy, Y.  (2008). Emerging Education Technologies: Assessing the Factors that Influence Instructors’ Acceptance in Information Systems and Other Classrooms.  Journal of Information Systems Education 19.4.  (pp. 431-443).  Retrieved from

Pirosca, G., & Mohanu, F.  (2009). Multimedia Technologies and Virtual Organizing of Learning.  Informatica Economica 13.3.  (pp. 26-35).  Retrieved from